Legal Tech
Don't miss your chance to get up to speed on the latest and greatest Neos features
Legal TechMarch 11, 2025
As always, the Assembly Neos Product team has been hard at work evolving Neos to meet our customers’ ever-changing needs. Get excited for brand new time-saving features and enhancements going live the night of March 18!
Don’t forget to register for the “New in Neos” webinar with the knowledgeable and entertaining Bryan Billig on March 25 at 1pm ET.
When users create new emails from the Quick Add drop down by clicking the "Send Email" button, the Case Name and Case Number will automatically populate the subject line.
How it works
Email and Case Calendar
Clicking the "Send Email" button in the Notes tab will automatically populate the Case Name and Case Number in the subject line.
Creating new events in the Case Calendar using the "New Event" button will automatically populate the Case Name and Case Number in the subject line.
The format will be "CaseName (CaseNumber)."
Quick Add Email
Clicking the "Send Email" button to create new emails from the Quick Add drop down will automatically populate the Case Name and Case Number in the subject line.
The format will be "CaseName (CaseNumber)".
Why is this important?
This feature is a top customer request that saves time on data manual entry, while also ensuring emails and calendar items are easily referenceable in Outlook. Feature request references in the Neos Ideas Portal: Idea 3503, 977, 3435, and 2728.
When to use it
Anytime when emailing or calendaring in Neos.
Summarize notes using AI, eliminating the need to read the entire note to understand its content.
How it works
Use the Summarize button in the Notes Detail, Notes Sidepane, or Bulk Actions on the Notes tab to generate a summary for any note
NOTE: If a note has already been summarized, the summary will be overwritten if the note is summarized again, either from the Summarize button or the Bulk Actions.
Why is this important?
Allowing users to quickly understand the content of notes without reading the entire text saves time, especially when handling large volumes of notes. It also enhances the NeosAI Platinum user experience by integrating AI-powered summaries directly into their workflow.
When to use it
Users can now select the data sources to use for NeosAI Chat conversations and include the current list they are viewing to ask questions about these records.
How it works
Select Data Source NeosAI Chat
NOTE: Accident Information Data and User Tabs 6-10 Data options are dependent on the tabs available in the Case for the current user.
Include Current List They Are Viewing
Removed the Limit for Notes Included in AI Document Generation
Why is this important?
Selecting specific case information (in addition to documents) to include in NeosAI Chat enhances the context and relevance of conversations. Users can interrogate Neos records using AI in a few clicks, empowering users to swiftly answer case related questions.
When to use it
Users can now incorporate data from Dynamic Layouts to provide context for AI when creating or editing AI Tags or generating documents with NeosAI.
How it works
AI Tags now Include data from Dynamic Layouts
In the Data Sources dropdown, select one or more Dynamic Layout types to include
Why is this important?
The option to include dynamic forms in the AI document generation process helps ensure more relevant and focused content creation. It also connects AI Document Extraction and AI Document Generation, providing information extracted from documents for use in the generation process.
When to use it
Upload a photo ID or business card to pre-populate intakes and Cases, automatically creating a party from the extracted information.
How it works
Why is this important?
Speeds up the case creation process by automatically extracting data from Photo IDs and Business Cards. It also reduces the risk of data entry errors and ensures accuracy when populating case information.
When to use it
Enhances the current functionality of our Interest Calculator by providing users with the option to calculate interest using one interest rate for all values or variably by month.
How it works
Users with access to Preferences can now go to Firm Preferences > Time and Billing to view and modify their interest rates for any month in any year. The default rate is 0% until the user changes it.
These configured rates will be used when calculating interest in value using the “variable monthly interest” option.
Variable Interest Rate
NOTE: Users can also go to "Firm Preferences" Time & Billing to make adjustments to their Variable Interest Rates.
Why is this important?
There are jurisdictions that statutorily dictate that the interest rates must align to a published rate guide that changes as the market rate shifts. Some firms that charge interest on Case-related costs or fees might need to apply a variable interest rate that may change periodically or monthly.
When to use it
When calculating daily compounding interest on a value item where the rate may vary from month to month. This could occur periodically throughout a Case or upon settlement of a Case.
Users can now:
How it works
Viewing Medical Codes from AI Extracted Data in Advanced Search/Dynamic Forms
Advanced Search
Dynamic Layouts tab
When there are Medical Codes associated to the Title column of a form, hover over the Title column to see the codes in the Dynamic Layouts tab
Performing AI analysis on documents in bulk
Eliminates the need to do it separately for each document!
Why is this important?
When to use it
The UX for Dynamic Forms has been updated making them easier to view/use.
How it works
Delete icons is now a trash can icon. Additionally, dynamic form entries now open in a full screen and allow users to navigate back to the case.
Why is this important?
A simplified the user experience makes dynamic forms easier to navigate and manage; also ensures users can return to the case quickly after working on dynamic forms.
When to use it
When managing or editing dynamic forms
Create postage and shipping labels for contacts for any case using an existing Stamps.com account. Users can also choose to save the cost of the postage to the case as a case expense.
How it works
Refer to the Knowledge Base article on Stamps.com for instructions on for use.
Sign up for your Stamps.com account today to use in Neos (make sure to put ASSEMBLY SOFTWARE in the promo field)!
An "Append Matter ID" checkbox (which requires LEDES billing to be enabled) has been added as an option when downloading a LEDES invoice.
If selected, the Law Firm Matter ID will be mapped to both the Law Firm Matter ID (as it currently does) and the Client Matter ID in the LEDES98B export. Additionally, a Client ID dropdown is now available in firm preferences, allowing users to choose from Client ID (default), Alternative Case Number Label 1, or Alternative Case Number Label 2. This selection determines the value mapped to the Client ID in the LEDES98B export.
When downloading a LEDES 98B invoice, if you set the billing period start date and end dates close together, a caution box will open, warning the user of the following: "Billing Period Selection." Selecting a shorter date range may result in fewer line items.
How it works
New option added to the LEDES98B Invoice Download modal
Added Client ID Dropdown in Firm Preferences
Why is this important?
Provides greater flexibility in how the Law Firm Matter ID and Client Matter ID are mapped in the LEDES98B export, improving consistency and accuracy in billing data.
It also allows firms to customize their Client ID mapping based on their preferences to accommodate different billing structures and workflows.
When to Use
Updated error header and link icon. Typing is now allowed to search/select in attachment Type and Category and Removed Checkbox.
How it works
Updated Error Header and Link Icon
Typing is Now Allowed to Search/Select in Attachment Type and Category and Removed Checkbox
Why is this important?
Resolves customer requests for making it easier to search for note topic and type/category.
The description on billable time entries will now sync with the Memo field on the linked value item.
How it works
Why is this important?
When to use
A Case Name now appears instead of a first party name on recently opened search results, contact card case and intake view, and contact search modal.