Personal Injury Case Management Software

It’s up to you to ensure your clients get the support and restitution they deserve. Our cloud-based case management software for personal injury cases is the silent partner that helps you improve efficiency, productivity, and win rate so you can better serve them.

See some of Neos' top features:

  • Automated intake
  • Document management
  • Payment
  • Marketing ROI
  • Neos Premium Texting
Neos personal injury case management software dashboard displaying marketing spend ROI

Your clients rely on you — and you can rely on Neos

Automated intake

Time is of the essence when it comes to acquiring new clients, so it’s vital that you save time whenever possible. Prospects may be evaluating more than one personal injury firm, so you need to be responsive 24/7 to put the odds in your favor and demonstrate that they can expect an exceptional client experience if they choose yours. Neos’ cutting-edge client intake software for personal injury law allows you to automatically gather prospect information from multiple sources using Zapier, then seamlessly transition the data into a case. You can send automated response emails, deliver retainers through SMS, and even use dynamic intake fields to expedite the lead qualification process.

Document management

Lawyers handle hundreds of legal documents weekly. Neos’ advanced search, OCR technology, related document filing, and intuitive folder structures help you stay organized without wasting time wading through a sea of case files. Our personal injury law software mass-generates documents from templates in seconds and automatically files them to multiple cases.


Secure payment using our LawPay integration, then keep your accounting tight with QuickBooks inside Neos.

Marketing ROI

You probably spend a lot of money on advertising, but do you know what’s working best at bringing in the clients you want? Neos' custom dashboard reporting enables you to optimize your advertising spend and allocate your budget to where it will be most effective. Continue to refine your marketing strategy based on insights you capture from reports and watch your cost per case acquisition decrease.

Neos Premium Texting

Meet clients where they are with SMS texting right from Neos with a dedicated firm number! Track all messages in one place in full conversation threads; anyone assigned to the case can respond. Texts are automatically saved to relevant cases for a more efficient workflow. Use texting to deliver a better client experience and expedite your cases.

Enjoy business continuity

Our automated, multi-region backups support real-time failover, ensuring that you do not experience data loss.

With geographically redundant data centers, data replication, and comprehensive monitoring you have a top-of-the-line system in place to keep your business fully operational.

Neos comes with a greater than 99% uptime guarantee and point-in-time recovery (PITR) of databases for seven days. Daily backups are retained for 90 days, weekly backups for one year, and yearly backups for seven years.

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Don’t take our word for it

Schedule a live demo to see how Neos can support your personal injury case management needs.