Insurance Defense

Insurance defense legal teams require specialized practice management software to support their unique processes. Efficient billing, time-tracking, and document management are huge factors that make or break a firm’s profitability.

See some of Neos' top features:

  • Time and expense tracking
  • Invoicing and billing
  • Case management
  • Document management
  • Payment

Neos Document Management

Supercharge your productivity and grow your bottom line

Time and expense tracking

Automated time tracking and prompts for timing each task in billable cases, along with seamless expense documentation, allow you to focus on your clients, not on administrative minutiae. No more lost billable hours!

Invoicing and billing

Use LEDES98B billing files to upload to your clients’ accounts payable system, get paid faster, and automatically generate invoices to save time. Even override existing individual billing rates for specific clients.

Case management

Calendaring, email and SMS communication options, organized case file structures, and PDF modification capabilities keep you organized and focused on winning, saving your firm thousands in costs for Adobe licensing in most instances.

Document management

Lawyers touch hundreds of documents weekly. Neos’ advanced search, OCR technology, related document filing, and intuitive case structures help you stay organized without wasting time wading through a sea of files.


Secure payment using our LawPay integration, then keep your accounting tight with QuickBooks inside Neos.

Enjoy business continuity

Our automated, multi-region backups support real-time failover, ensuring that you do not experience data loss.

With geographically redundant data centers, data replication, and comprehensive monitoring you have a top-of-the-line system in place to keep your business fully operational.

Neos comes with a greater than 99% uptime guarantee and point-in-time recovery (PITR) of databases for seven days. Daily backups are retained for 90 days, weekly backups for one year, and yearly backups for seven years.

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Don’t take our word for it

Schedule a live demo to see how Neos can support your case management needs.