Sheila Hiestand

McCoy & Hiestand, PLC

Sheila Hiestand, also known as “The Lady Litigator,” is a highly respected personal injury attorney with over 30 years of experience. After using Needles for years, her firm transitioned to Neos, seeking a more efficient solution for managing cases between two office locations. Neos provided the flexibility, cloud-based accessibility, and integration features that greatly improved McCoy & Hiestand's operations, reducing the time to settle cases and enhancing client satisfaction.

Jon Lomurro

Lomurro Law Trial Lawyers

Jon Lomurro is a certified civil trial attorney specializing in medical malpractice and personal injury cases. An advocate for technology adoption in the legal field, Jon has authored several books, including Dropping the Digital Anchor (2021) and Try It With Friends (2010), which focus on integrating technology into legal practice. Since transitioning to Neos, Jon has experienced smoother workflows and improved efficiency, further supporting his drive to modernize legal operations through technology.

Jon Lomurro HS

Alex Limontes

Hurst Limontes Indiana Injury Lawyers

Alex Limontes, a bilingual personal injury attorney, manages Hurst Limontes Indiana Injury Lawyers, where he focuses on plaintiff’s personal injury work. With extensive recognition for his contributions to the legal field, including Super Lawyers and the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, Alex transitioned his firm from Needles to Neos to enhance case management efficiency.

Alex Limontes HS

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