Legal Tech, Automation & Efficiency, Cloud
Check out over 260+ reasons why firms of all shapes and sizes love Assembly Neos cloud-based legal case management
CloudJuly 29, 2022
We’ve been hard at work building new features the past several months. Read the highlights below or register for our monthly demo webinar.
Customize your homepage with information relevant to you and your firm. For example: marketing ROI, firm utilization, case stages, and more.
Select multiple templates to generate an entire document package. Generate pre-trial letters and court forms all at once by selecting multiple values, medical, insurance providers, and more.
Inline PDF Editor with OCR test
Make and receive calls; see a list of all calls in the Communications tab.
New integrations with Copitrak and Equitrac!
Effortlessly generate several documents for multiple cases with a few clicks using the Document Generation Wizard tool.
Easily report to and forward emailed notes, as well as download a copy to show pertinent timestamp details within a case.
Quickly view different scenarios relating to a settlement amount to see how much money would go to the client and the firm and make adjustments to expedite settlements.
Enjoy all the benefits of Neos’ QuickBooks integration, now available for QuickBooks Online as well as desktop. Find it in the new Accounting tab.
Generate invoices and manage their lifecycle without ever needing to leave Neos. No need for QuickBooks integration; simply navigate to the new Accounting tab to use it.
Automate document filing and assignment to any and all cases.
Link a document to all other related documents. For example: Organize discovery by relating requests to their associated responses; keep pleadings together by grouping the initial filings; maintain all deposition documents together.