Needles to Neos, Cloud, Integration, Hybrid & Remote Work, Legal TechSeptember 11, 2024

McCoy & Hiestand, PLC’s Journey with Neos: Better Operations, Happier Clients, and Balanced Lives

happy lawyers collaborating and smiling

McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, is a personal injury law firm with offices in Louisville and Bardstown, Kentucky. For over a decade, the firm has specialized in various practice areas, including auto accidents, medical malpractice, and police brutality claims. With a focus on providing exceptional client service and efficient case management, the firm needed a case management solution that could address the challenges of operating two separate offices while maintaining a high standard of service.

Key Results

  • 50% reduction in the time to settle cases
  • Eliminated IT issues like server outages and T1 line failures and reduced the need for costly external technical support
  • Improved efficiency and collaboration between two office locations with seamless access to files
  • Enhanced workflow customization for several practice areas, streamlining case management processes
  • Increased client satisfaction through better communication and progress tracking

Before Neos

McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, initially used Needles for their case management solution. However, as the firm grew and expanded to two office locations, the limitations of the Needles system became increasingly burdensome. The firm relied on a VPN to share files between the Louisville and Bardstown offices, which frequently led to connectivity issues and a lack of continuity in their operations.

"We have two offices, one in Louisville and one in Bardstown. Getting everybody to do things in a unified manner and having connectivity between the two offices was always a nightmare. T1 lines and servers going down and not having any kind of continuity between the two offices was awful."

To address these issues, the firm sought a more efficient and reliable case management solution. After exploring several options, Sheila Hiestand learned about Neos at an industry meeting—the rest is history. The firm decided to make the transition to Neos in 2022 and couldn’t be happier with their choice.

With Neos

Cloud-Based Solution Eliminates IT Challenges

Transitioning to Neos provided McCoy & Hiestand with the secure cloud-based solution they needed to eliminate the connectivity challenges associated with their previous system. The firm no longer needed to rely on a VPN, and the cloud-based platform allowed for easier access to case files and improved continuity between the two offices.

"We really liked the fact that it was cloud-based because it takes out all the clunkiness and the lack of continuity between the two offices."

Customized Workflows for Diverse Practice Areas

Neos offers the flexibility to create customized workflows via the Checklist tailored to the firm's various practice areas. From auto accidents to complex medical malpractice cases, this customization allowed the firm to manage different case types more effectively, ensuring they met all deadlines and legal requirements.

"Neos has Checklist items embedded within it; you can add to those Checklists and amend them as needed. We work on cases involving car accidents in Kentucky and car accidents in Indiana. So Neos allows us to have Checklists that address different statute limitations, different deadlines, different court systems."

Seamless Integrations Enhance Client Communication

Neos’s seamless integrations with essential tools like Kenect, DocuSign, Office 365, and QuickBooks have streamlined the firm’s operations and significantly enhanced both client communication and overall efficiency.

With Kenect, the firm can send and receive texts directly from Neos while also simplifying the process of gathering Google reviews, which are crucial for reputation management and SEO rankings.

Integrating DocuSign allows for the easy exchange of electronic signatures without leaving the platform, and Office 365 ensures smooth document management and collaboration via SharePoint. These integrations eliminate the need to juggle multiple systems, ensuring consistency between the two offices and improving the overall client experience.

"I really like the integrations. As a small firm, it's really helped me. For instance, Kenect, which is a texting system. But it's also a way for me to get Google reviews. I use DocuSign, which I can use straight out of Neos.”

Faster Case Resolution and Improved Accountability

The implementation of Neos resulted in a significant reduction in the time required to settle cases, particularly for auto accidents and slip-and-fall claims. The firm experienced a 50% reduction in the “time on desk,” enabling faster client payouts and improving overall client satisfaction.

"Using Neos has really expedited the time from open to settle. If you're going a year and a half because you don't have these steps in place that Neos offers like the reminders and Checklist with staff, that’s delaying your client’s and your money. To go from making money in 18 months versus making money in nine months is huge."

What We Love About Neos

At McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, Neos has not only improved their operational efficiency but has also significantly enhanced their daily work experience. The platform’s seamless integration and flexibility have empowered the team to manage their caseloads with greater ease, allowing them to focus more on delivering top-notch client service.

"Some smaller firms are like, 'Oh, I can't afford a case management software program.' And I'm like, 'How can you afford not to? It saves us so much time and money by not having to hire more staff to do the things that Neos does for me.'"

Moreover, Neos has proven invaluable in helping the firm handle unexpected situations without disrupting their workflows. When personal circumstances arise that prevent staff from being physically present in the office, Neos allows them to continue working effectively from anywhere.

“We're primarily a female firm. We're all moms. And sometimes things come up where they can't get into the office. But one of our paralegals has been able to work from home because Neos is cloud-based and has been able to do absolutely everything that she could do in the office.”

For McCoy & Hiestand, Neos is more than just a tool for managing cases—it’s a critical asset that enhances their daily operations, enabling them to deliver better results while maintaining an efficient and flexible work-life balance.


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Needles to Neos, Cloud, Integration, Hybrid & Remote Work, Legal Tech

At McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, Neos has not only improved their operational efficiency but has also significantly enhanced their daily work experience. The platform’s seamless integration and flexibility have empowered the team to manage their caseloads with greater ease, allowing them to focus more on delivering top-notch client service.

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