You asked; we delivered! At Assembly, we pride ourselves on listening to our customers. Though we are unable to implement every idea suggested to us, we read and consider all of them! Below is a list of the top feature requests taken from the Neos Ideas Portal that we made into reality in Neos.
You’ll find a link to the Knowledge Base article that describes how we implemented each of the requests for additional context. Please note you need to be logged into Neos AND the Knowledge Base to be able to directly access the KB article from this post. (Just click the question mark at the top right-hand corner of your screen in Neos to access KB.)
Idea 1: Increase # of Notes that can be toggled
Neos only loads up to 50 notes to toggle through at a time; when you reach 50 you have to close the Notes viewer and scroll through the Notes tab to find the next group of Notes to read. Neos should load all notes at once.
Idea 2: The ability to open and edit PDFs directly from Neos and save them directly to Neos
Currently in Neos, when opening PDFs, you have the ability to open them using Adobe Acrobat DC, however, once the PDF is edited it will not auto-save directly to Neos the same way Word docs do. This is an inconvenience to have to save the PDF and re-upload back to Neos/SharePoint. Would be useful to have that auto-save functionality for PDFs as well.
Comment/Note on Checklist Items
In the "details" of a checklist item, there should be a text box (labeled "comments" or "notes") where people can add details, updates, notes, etc., about a checklist item. Currently, my firm adds this info to the task name, but that leads to long, run-on task names that can be difficult to read. Adding a text box under details would solve this issue and allow people to communicate about checklist items more clearly.
Idea 3: A way to not lose track in Notes and Value tab
When reviewing either notes and/or value tab we would like the ability to fully open (not preview) a note or a value tab item and when we "x" out have that note highlighted so we don't lose our place. When reviewing 50+ items, it's hard to remember exactly where you were.
Idea 4: Save note and stays in that Note tab
When I save a note, I want it to stay in that note tab instead of going back to the list of notes. If I'm interrupted at work and I save the note but intend to continue entering information, I want it to stay open but saved for future use.
Idea 5: Searching for parties with the same name and initial is ambiguous
When parties have the same name and middle initial, the search results look identical. Unless you know case numbers by heart, you would have to open each case to see which is the right case for the party. More context information in the search area would be helpful.
Idea 6: Notes column in case docs tab
Currently in Neos, there is not an option to view notes from either the note flyout menu or as a column for the grid on the case docs tab like there was on Needles. This was extremely helpful to see as a column without having to view the detail view.
Idea 7: Case Calendar - Add item without putting it on MY Outlook calendar
I primarily enter all case calendar items into Neos. If it is a case date that I want on another attorney's calendar, but not my own, the only way to do that is to sign out, sign in as them, and add the item. It would be better if I could add a case calendar item, add the attorney who is handling the matter, and remove myself from the matter, so it doesn't add it to my Outlook calendar.
Idea 8: Neos - Printing Notes directly from tab
I would like to print selected (single/multiple) notes to print.
Idea 9: Counsel Tab - Ability to select multiple parties in the Representing dropdown bar
Currently you can only select one party in the Counsel Tab that shows who that attorney represents. In multiple cases, the attorney represents more than one party. It would be beneficial to be able to select multiple parties to accurately show who the attorney is representing.
Idea 10: AKA name should show up in the search field
When typing the AKA name, you must type in last name, first name format, and only then the "new" name shows up in the search field. (Nothing shows up if you type first name then last name). There is no way to know which person from the list is the one you need without going to the pullout on each one until you find the correct person.
Idea 11: Multiple Provider Requests
It should work similar to how it did in Needles 4, in which it allowed us to request multiple providers at once. It would benefit anyone that has to request multiple records at once for one client.
Other implemented ideas
Scan document directly to case
Home page of Neos should allow user to adjust what they see when logging in
When sending an email from the case it should be posted to the note tab automatically (similar to when sending a text)
User would like the ability to remove themselves as the organizer of the event
Adding another staff assigned on Case Ribbon
Neos - Change color of flag note and light bulb to a more alerting color.
The ability to select multiple options in one dropdown menu when generating documents
Select Multiple Notes/Bulk Actions
Email a checklist item once set
Add a "Select All" option to Case Docs Tab
Ability to default calendar to a group
More Robust Intakes
Create checks in bulk from the value tab
NEOS: being able to export the settlement memo in a Word document format for further modification
Update folder name in case and sharepoint when party name is updated
Word Templates Add In for Mac Users
Neos - Add Provider Address & Phone number back to Value tab
Check request debit account default
Add names of clients to provider usage list
Neos - Change Default to Uncheck the 'File Attachments' When Tagging an Email
Neos - Add Built-in Spell check
Litigation Titles are appearing in Case Header despite the Aux Checklists not being marked as Lit
Ability to convert or make copy of a word document to PDF directly
Ability to rearrange the phone numbers in party tab
Neos - Drag & Drop Documents - Allow for name change
Cloud - Send Message from Case
Activity Feed - Per User
Value Tab Provider Information
The Neos logo over the sidebar should take you to the Home Screen
Cloud: Add Shortcut for Folders instead of individual files in case docs
Make Provider in Value Tab easy to see phone numbers
Checklist Summary report should default to the staff that is logged in
Neos - Report Criteria from User Defined Directories
Sort Phone numbers
Be able to maximize screen size for notes in value tab entry
Neos - Tabbing ability between fields
Expand the size of the comment text box for user defined tabs.
Neos - Remove 'Add Note' Button from Header
SaaS - Add Alternate Case Number to Case Header & Search
Make phone numbers include parenthesis and dashes for easy reading.
Double click date range to input todays date
Integrator should total up all selected checks before we sent to QB
NEOS - Show Party Role
Enter button will search instead of having to click on the search button
SaaS - Ability to toggle through notes
Ability to tag email with a phone number search
Change font color from gray to black for better visibility
Cloud - Populate check number in Neos and case number/customer name on check memo
Neos: Ability to nest document attachments under their lead document.
Provider contact info should appear on Value Tab Entries
All drop down fields should be typable/autofill
Cloud: Add a different color for 'done' checklist items
NEOS - Name at top left of case
Neos - Case Special Note Header - add 'Undo' option if 'Clear' is selected
Make Alphabetic fields text wrap
Check Request Interface
Neos: Editing fields and screens for all Intake Case types
NEOS - Print Needles Today Checklist
Auxiliary Checklists - Do not Repopulate all checklist items based on changed case dates
Add Party Phone & Email to Columns in Advanced Search
Provider phone number should be easily found on the 1st screen without having to drill down into the provider card
Add party role to search fly out menu
Document Setup vs PDF Setup Icons
Being able to check select all or de-select all when exporting check to QB
User would like to have the calendar time for events start at 8am instead of 12am-12pm by default
Prevent add DTF from being turned off when using the QB integrator
Include Intakes in Searches
Cloud - Use email or name in Outlook email to search and tag in case
Cloud: Add Paging Arrows to the Notes Tab
NEOS - Notes Quick-View Window
Create Document Tags On The Fly
Dashboard Time Refresh
SaaS - Make Synopsis Tab Larger
NEOS - Email Notifications
NEOS: Outlook Add-in should have function to link Calendar items to cases
Email and Text templates
CLOUD: sort the document type or any mini directories drop down in alphabetical order
Worldox Integration
Case Document Categories can't be set per doc to fillin automatically after a doc is merged
Value screen navigation (Value notes)
Document Filter Search
NEOS - Dates in the Value Tab
Document Generator should have drop downs
Cloud User would like to be able to select multiple value code from subtotals instead of going in to reports
Neos: Ability to Use Document Tags to search/group other docs with the same tag
NEOS - Trash Can for Recent Searches/Clearing All Recent Searches
Neos - QB Integrator - Sorting order of the integrator does not transfer to QB
Neos: Certificate of Service Paragraph should include email
Would like the client name in the case header, not just the case folder tab.
Dashboard filters
Integration with Copitrak
Integration with Equitrac
Notes Tab Rich Text
Needles messages will forward to actual e-mail
Searching via Phone when tagging from Outlook
Make comment box bigger
Make Counsel Representing box multiselect.
Neos: Certificate of Service Paragraph should include Fax Number
User would like to be able to send a message from the notes tab and case tab
Search/Not Search Option - When adding a potential client in an intake, we want to be able to not have to add the name and then input the client's contact information. You should be able to input the name without searching and move to the next section in the intake form.
Additional Address types for providers
Print option to value tab notes section
Merge fields for date & time
Checklist prompt to ignore checklist items updated manually
If you have an idea for Neos, please submit it to the Ideas Portal for consideration.